Up until the last few months of the 2016 presidential election, few people had heard of the alt-right, or knew what it meant. That changed when Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton launched a full-blown attack against the nascent movement known by that name, in a last desperate attempt to stop the Trump juggernaut. On August 25, in Reno, Nevada, Clinton said this about the alt-right, stating that it "rejects mainstream conservatism, promotes nationalism and views immigration and multiculturalism as threats to white identity". Few in the alt-right movement would argue with this succinct definition; after all, these are indeed the goals and objectives of the alt-right movement. 

When one turns to Wikipedia, we find this definition of the alt-right: "The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loose group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States... Alt-right beliefs have been described as white supremacist, frequently overlapping with antisemitism and Neo-Nazism, nativism and Islamophobia, anti-feminism and homophobia,white nationalist, right-wing populism,and the neoreactionary movement. The concept has further been associated with multiple groups from American nationalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 campaign of Donald Trump.”

To be fair, this definition and the points it makes, such as the accusation that the term “alt-right” is being used to “whitewash overt racism, white supremacism, and Neo-Nazism” is essentially a valid one. For instance, many involved in white identity politics now use the term ‘alt-right’ interchangeably with ‘white nationalism’. As evidence of its surging popularity, a search of ‘alt-right’ vs ‘white nationalism’ on Google brings up over sixty million hits for the former compared to approximately three and a half million for the latter. Truly, the white nationalist movement, under its new banner ‘alt-right’, has undergone a surge in popularity it has never known before, largely due to the election of Donald J. Trump. 

But for those who are new to the alt-right movement, it should be pointed out that many of its followers have long gathered under the broad umbrella known as ‘white nationalism’. And before ‘white nationalism’ came into popular use there was the ‘pro-white’ movement. Even further back, there was simply ‘white power’—a term coined by George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, way back in 1966. These elements, combined with the explosive surge of Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election, boosted the stagnant white advocacy movement to heights never known before.

True, there are factions within the alt-right who shun the ‘white nationalist’ label, as there are those in the white nationalist movement who scorn the ‘alt-right’ designation. This is largely due to the fact that some members of the alt-right want no connection whatsoever to either Neo-Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan, two groups that exist within the greater white nationalist community. Furthermore, it is equally true that those belonging to these two high-profile racialist groups do not want to be associated with what they perceive as a water-downed version of white nationalism.

In the end, however, anyone can mold the label ‘alt-right’ to give it any nuance that they wish, which, of course, is what we see happening. Nevertheless, there are four primary points that members of the alt-right characteristically believe:

1 – One who holds ultra-right political beliefs, beyond traditional Republican Party conservative tenets, such as opposition to homosexual marriage, promotion of transgender rights, and other left-wing social causes and issues. 

2 – One who believes that America should remain a predominately Euro-ethnic country, and that mass deportation of illegal aliens is priority one. 

3 – One who believes that affirmative action, as well as all race-based government programs, (primarily for the benefit of non-whites) should be terminated.

4 – One who believes that leftists, liberals, Cultural Marxists, the politically-correct, and most Democrats, are mortal enemies of the founding principles of America, and therefore the antithesis of everything the Founding Fathers stood for.

Others might well add their own personal requirements to this list, such as expanded gun rights beyond what we have today, elimination of the federal income tax, and so forth. Again, the ‘alt-right’ is very fluid, but by and large the core beliefs held by most who identify as ‘alt-right’ are covered by the four aforementioned points.

It should also be pointed out that a sizable faction within the alt-right (aka white nationalist) movement oppose any involvement of Jews within our society, and advocate for their involuntary expulsion. This, along with the involuntary expulsion of America’s black population, is a major objective of some factions within the white nationalist/alt-right movement, but is certainly not shared by everyone. 

All this said, this website’s main objective is to examine, compare, and then project the best course of action in order to advance the primary goals of the alt-right.